Wednesday 31 August 2011

Introduction of this "Young" Mummy

Being a "young" mum has its challenges. For starters I dont have the freedom that most 22 year olds have. I cant go partying whenever I please, I cant go travelling the world at the drop of the hat, I NEED to have a job to support my son. But you know what, I wouldnt change a thing. He is without a doubt the most amazing thing in my world and has changed not only my life but his Daddies life too. We had to grow up fast when we found out we were pregnant. I was barely 20, we were thinking about buying a house, travelling all the normal things young people tend to do. Then suddenly we were going to be parents. It was scary and exciting all at the same time. All our savings went into buying a bigger, 2nd car.. buying baby furniture and what seemed like a life time supply of nappies and wipes (but in reality lasted about a week). We found out we were having a boy at 22 weeks and we were over the moon. The next months just flew by and before I knew it on the 23rd of September at 2.22pm we welcomed the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.. our son Armani Francis Wright into the world weighing in at 8 pound 11. It has now been almost 2 years have seemingly FLOWN by and pretty soon our dinosaur loving son will be 2. I could cry at how fast it has gone but I cannot wait for many more years and to welcome more babies into this world.

Here are some photos of my beautiful family...

My son and I when he was just a little one.. I miss him being so chubby! ( I also miss my blonde hair =( )

One of my favourite photos. He loves kisses and I happily take them!

This is also a HUGE favourite of mine. My two boys during our recent trip to NZ to visit.

1 comment:

  1. I think being a mom is hardwork and difficult at any age, but especially when you're young, so yes, agree. I admire your guts and that you're being responsible and everything. I think you're setting a good example. Who says that nowadays younger generations are childish and not capable to grow up? You, for one, prove that wrong!
    Looking forward to read your upcoming posts!

    LeeAnne, Style N Season
